The teacher Antonio Foltran
These days you can find in the bookshops “Bianca’sTale”, posthumous book
written by Antonio Foltran, published in April 2011 by CSC Italy and
edited by Antonio Menegon.
The book has a foreward on the history of Collalto’s noble house, a
collection of the authors that wrote about Bianca di Collalto and
Antonio Foltran’s unpublished story on the sad event of the maid, killed
in the collalto’s tower because of the chatelaine’s fierce jealousy. Set
in the crusades time, “Bianca’s Tale” is published more than 10 years
later than the primary school teacher Antonio Foltran’s death
(1916-1998), who taught over a decade in Collalto, was by chance found
by his son Massimo and now sent to press.
With refined and learned language, teacher Foltran tells about count
Guiscardo di Collalto and Ildegonda di Dresda (the king’s
daughter) marriage, the squire Sinibaldo morbid affection,
the ill-treatments suffered by Bianca, her violent death and the
similar death suffered by the chatelaine.
The tale tells that the unfortunate maid ghost appears, to the Collalto
Family’s members, white veiled to announce happy events and black veiled
to predict imminent mishaps. A fascinating story, enriched by a concise
but rich of curiosity historical foreward, edited by the writer Antonio
Menegon. |
Antonio Foltran: "The leggend of Bianca"
ISBN: 978-88-903174-7-7